
The truffle on your table

We will do justice to one of the main products of Marche, Romagna and Tuscany: truffle, beloved and cherished since the Roman times. Even artists and poets exalted it, Brillat Savarin called it “the diamond of the cuisine”, Gioacchino Rossini “Mozart of the mushrooms”, Auguste Escoffier “the gem in the cuisine” Pellegrino Artusi “the symbol of good eating”. Rossini himself appreciated it in the salad with radicchio, olive oil, mustard, lemon, salt and pepper. Giuseppe Verdi, instead, eat it in the timbale of puff pastry, chicken breast, live purée with Madera. Our chef will explain you the differences between black and white truffle (very similar but different in use) and teach you how to conserve truffle in an appropriate way to preserve aroma and taste and will obviously reveal a secret of some traditional truffle-based recipes. (The price of the package can slightly vary depending on the present cost of the truffle and your request of white truffle).

For 2 people black truffle € 165.00 per person white truffle 180.00€ per person
For 8 people € 155.00 per person white truffle 170.00€ per person
For 15 people € 145.00 per person white truffle 160.00€ per person

The tour is based on 2 days/ 1 night and includes
Lunch or dinner with tasting of traditional dishes matched to wines of the area
1 night with B&B accommodation in a food hotel by the sea or on the hills by your choice

Bus transfer not included. You can decide whether to attend the course in the afternoon of the first day (+dinner) or in the morning of the second day (plus lunch). On demand, these experiences can be integrated with a Food&Wine and cultural tour of more or one days.

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